Grupo Calvo obtains AENOR Responsible Tuna Fishing certification

The audit conducted by AENOR certified that Grupo Calvo applies the highest standards for purse seine tuna fishing. This includes, among others, initiatives such as the presence of independent observers on board all company vessels; fleet tracking and monitoring via satellite; capture certification; and compliance with labour, health and safety conditions for workers as stipulated under the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention concerning work in the fishing sector.

The Group has been a pioneer in the active development of its responsibility to sustainable fishing and the rights of its workers. Having undergone voluntary verification in 2015 and 2017 by an independent third party to ensure observance of the ILO Work in Fishing Convention (ILO188), the company’s compliance has once again been ratified by AENOR.

The UNE 195006 Standard was developed by the Spanish Association for Standardisation and Certification (AENOR) in collaboration with OPAGAC and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Environment (MAPAMA). It is the first norm to take into account compliance with best fishing practices for purse seiners with freezing capability with respect to the three-pronged socio-economic, management and environmental aspect.

Grupo Calvo executive director for Europe Alberto Encinas, who was presented with the certificate by MAPAMA minister Isabel García Tejerina, reiterated Grupo Calvo’s commitment to sustainability and ethical and responsible management: “We take the impacts from our activity very seriously, particularly those having to do with our fishing operations. Therefore, we play an active role in protecting and preserving ecosystems by carrying out responsible and sustainable fishing practices that reduce generated impact, be it from our own fleet or derived from our suppliers of raw material.”

“Responsible Tuna Fishing” Certification was conceived with the aim of providing the basis for developing a European standard to serve as the benchmark for the purse seine tuna fishing sector at the European level and the standard for raw material imports, while at the same time facilitating distribution and aiding the end consumer in better identifying responsibly and sustainably harvested products from the sea.

Grupo Calvo commitment
Grupo Calvo maintains a firm commitment to ethical and responsible management of its business and to minimising the impacts derived from company activity, especially impacts involving fishing operations, throughout the supply chain. The company plays an active role in protecting and preserving ecosystems by carrying out responsible and sustainable fishing practices that reduce impacts generated, whether from its own fleet or the company’s suppliers of raw material.