The Calvo Group signs up to the Code of Good Commercial Practices for the Food Trade

Grupo Calvo se adhiere al Código de Buenas Prácticas Mercantiles en la Contratación Alimentaria

International food group Calvo has endorsed the Code of Good Commercial Practices for the Food Trade with the aim of bolstering its commitment to sound trade practices across company activities.

This voluntary code is the product of the agreement reached between Spain’s Ministry of Agriculture and Fishing, Food and the Environment and major organisations and associations representing production, industry and distribution operators. The code provides a method of self-regulation for the different agents involved in the food supply chain within the framework of Law 12/2013 pertaining to Measures for Improving the Functioning of the Food Supply Chain.

“The Calvo Group maintains a resolute commitment to ethical and responsible management of its business in each and every area of the company and in all countries where we operate. Our adherence to the Code of Good Commercial Practices for the Food Trade serves to strengthen this commitment and fortify our sound trade practices”, stated Calvo Group CEO Mané Calvo.

The code sets down the principles for trade relations and commercial practices between the various operators involved in the food supply chain in order to facilitate contractual relationships and good practices to be applied over the course of these relationships.  Defined as core principles are balance and fair reciprocity between parties, freedom to make deals, good faith, mutual interest, equitable distribution of risks and responsibilities, cooperation, transparency, respect for free market competition and sustainability in the food supply chain. It also establishes a series of general commitments and commercial practices that are common to all operators, as well as specific trade practices which are intended to ensure food product quality, reduce the volume of food waste and strengthen cooperation amongst operators in the event of market crisis.

The ceremony held today in Madrid at which the Code of Good Commercial Practices for the Food Trade was signed was presided over by Isabel García Tejerina, the minister for Agriculture and Fishing, Food and the Environment.